
Posts Tagged ‘Counseling’

Note: This article originally appeared in the Ask Anne column written by our counselors with Pathways Professional Counseling. Learn more about our counseling ministry at www.pathwaysprofessional.org.

Q. I am a school teacher and I have been watching the news coverage about the recent Ohio school shooting. It feels like it could happen anywhere. What should I do to stop this from happening? Are there any warning signs I can watch out for?

A. It is very scary to sit and watch the images of school shootings on your television. It makes us all hug our kids a little tighter, but also makes us wonder what could have been done to prevent something like that from happening. As a parent, teacher, minister, or caring adult, we want to know what to do to protect children that we care about.

If you are curious what warning signs to watch out for, the National Institute of Justice teamed up with the Secret Service to help prevent school shootings. In their report they found there is no common profile of a school shooter*. Therefore, it is more important to look at behaviors and what the teen is communicating through these behaviors rather than looking only at the personality or character traits of that teen. There is no typical personality trait list that fits all violent teenagers. You really want to watch for a major change in behavior that is out of character for that teen.

The National School Safety and School Services list the following issues for teens that adults should be respond to:

  • Detachment: A lack of bonding and “connectedness” to others
  • Withdrawal or perceptions of hopelessness Threats — and the efforts to establish the means and opportunity to carry out the threats
  • Disciplinary problems in school and/or delinquent, criminal activity in schools or communities
  • Unusual interest or preoccupation with weapons, bombs, and violent forms of “entertainment”
  • Abuse of animals, suicide threats or attempts, self-mutilation, etc.**

Being present in a child’s life can also make all the difference in the world. Try having open, honest communication with children you feel might fit this criteria above. Most kids need to know that an adult cares about them and really cares about what stressors are present in their life. This could be the early intervention that prevents them from acting out. If you are concerned about a particular teen, talk to them openly and honestly about what you are thinking. If they are struggling, you can then help direct them to appropriate referral sources such as ministers, school counselors or a professional counselor.

For more information, you can also check out this handout about “Early Warning, Timely Response”. It has many great resources and action plans available to you for free.

Parents can also play a crucial role in violence prevention. The National School Safety and Security Services list these idea that parents can employ to reduce the risk to their child:

  • Talk with children early and regularly about gangs, drugs, weapons, school and community safety, and related concerns.
  • When you talk with children, BE HONEST! Violence and related trauma issues are serious, but more damage can be done by minimizing or exaggerating points than by simply providing children with facts and telling the truth.
  • Do NOT assume that your child knows even the “basic” facts about safety and other risks. Kids absorb a lot of information and, unfortunately, much of it is inaccurate or from questionable sources. Let your child get all of the information – the correct information – from you as the parent. And give it to them in a non-threatening and non-embarrassing time, place, and manner. Perhaps then your child will be more willing to come to you with other questions and problems later on!
  • Eliminate access to weapons by youth.
  • Be aware of and do not permit gang identifiers.
  • Provide order, structure, and consistent discipline in the home.
  • Work cooperatively with police and school officials.
  • Seek professional assistance when needed and in a timely manner. Do NOT wait until a problem gets out of control and then look for professional help
  • Parents must provide order, structure and consistent discipline. Although you love your child, realize that he or she is still a kid and will test the limits. Ask probing questions: Where are you going? Who will be with you? And do some follow-up to verify the answers they give you!
  • Inspect your child’s room from time to time. Parents have found gang graffiti on bedroom walls, drug paraphernalia on dresser tops, sexually explicit notes, weapons in book bags leaving the home, graffiti and revealing information on school notebooks, and much, much more once they get up the nerve to start snooping! Unfortunately, some parents falsely believe that they should not- or legally cannot – go into their child’s room. It is your house and your child – check them both and check them regularly! It is not only your right, but your responsibility!!! ***

There is no one issue or no one thing that we can eliminate from teenage culture to stop these acts from happening, but we can be on the look out and we can be involved in kids lives. It might just be that involvement that helps a teenager realize there is another option other than violence.

* Information taken from: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/jr000248c.pdf
** Information taken from: http://www.schoolsecurity.org/trends/warning-signs.html
*** Information taken from: http://www.schoolsecurity.org/faq/parents.html

*This column is not intended to substitute for an actual session with a licensed counselor.
If you have a question you would like to ask, EMAIL US: askanne@abchome.org or leave a comment. We would love to answer one of your questions.

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Rod Marshall, our VP of Pathways Professional Counseling, takes office today as President/CEO of the ministry. We would like to introduce you to him through our article featuring him in our recent LifePrints magazine.President/CEO Rod Marshall with his family.

Rod Marshall knew from his first interview that working for Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries (ABCH) wasn’t going to be a typical job.

But it wasn’t because of the work he’d be doing, it was because of the people. “My initial job interview was four hours long,” Marshall recalled. “I found in Louise Green (Vice President, Special Programs) a kindred spirit. She is somebody who loves people, and somebody who, even in that initial interview, seemed to care about me.”

His first day with the Children’s Homes was Jan. 1, 1995. That first holiday off was offset, however, by the busyness of the rest of his first week as he began understanding the ministry and setting up the ministry’s first counseling office and therapeutic playroom.

In the 17 years since, Marshall has guided the ministry’s counseling program, now known as Pathways Professional Counseling, through tremendous growth. It grew from Marshall working part-time in a shared office suite to 35 counseling sites statewide served by a staff of 14 counselors. Marshall’s title also changed, first to Director of Pathways, and then to Vice President of Counseling.

The focus of Pathways has also expanded from counseling children in the foster and residential care programs of ABCH to also serving children, families and individuals in the community. In 2010, Pathways served 2,954 children, families and individuals – more people than were helped by any other facet of the ABCH ministry.

That experience helped prepare him for this next role as President/CEO of ABCH, effective Feb. 1. Marshall said, “This has given me the opportunity to balance program growth with good stewardship and to practice good administrative skills and to hone
my leadership skills.” He also feels blessed to have served alongside the gifted Pathways staff. “I have really enjoyed being able to be an equipper and an encourager for them.”

And while Marshall did not seek out the office of President/CEO – he did not submit a resume to the search committee until they asked him for one – he decided to participate in the selection process as an act of obedient faith. “I needed to be willing to serve if that was what God was calling me to do,” Marshall said. “And the (search committee) felt like God was calling them to call me to be ABCH’s next leader.”

The committee let Marshall know they were nominating him via email, Tuesday morning, Oct. 17, 2011, a full seven months after asking for his resumé. “The process was very thorough, and it took a long time,” Marshall said. But throughout the process
he kept reminding himself, “If I’m not who God has called for this job, then I do not want it.”

Marshall was unanimously approved as President/CEO by the ministry’s board of trustees during its Nov. 11, 2011, meeting.
He said a “broad array of emotions” washed over him as the decision was announced – relief, excitement, anxiety and happiness.
Marshall said he was honored and humbled the committee selected him to lead the Children’s Homes through its next chapter. “I have never doubted that God has called me to be where I am, but I am only willing to be here if this is where God wants me to be,” he said.

Marshall is also thrilled to carry on a family tradition of serving Baptists. His paternal grandfather of 16 generations ago, Rev. Daniel Marshall, was the first Baptist pastor in Georgia. And Marshall’s great-great uncle Rev. Robert Duncan (R.D.) Hawkins served two terms as the superintendent of the Georgia Baptist Asylum for Orphaned Children from 1905-1908 and 1912-1914. Marshall received his bachelor of arts from Samford University, and he and his family attend Shades Crest Baptist Church, Birmingham.

“To have the opportunity to serve Alabama Baptists seems fitting,” Marshall said. “There are so many good things Alabama Baptists are involved in, and so many God-honoring things. I am honored to have the opportunity to be involved in one of them and to be a servant.”

He noted that it is an incredible privilege to be able to lead a ministry that is on such solid footing, and is doing much that is progressive and relevant. However, he sees the potential to do more than just staying the course. “We have the opportunity to build upon our 120 year heritage to move into the next chapter with creativity and confidence,” Marshall said. “I think tradition and heritage are very important, but we need to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to try to do things we have never done before or to do things in new ways. Our history is great, but perhaps the best is yet to come.”

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